Antalya, Turkey


Sedation is a valuable technique in the field of dentistry and medicine that aims to reduce anxiety, induce relaxation, and improve the overall comfort of the patient during various procedures. It involves the administration of medications to create a calm and relaxed state without causing complete unconsciousness, allowing the patient to respond to verbal cues and maintain vital functions.


Sedation is particularly beneficial for patients with dental anxiety or those undergoing invasive procedures that may cause discomfort. It can also be used for patients with a strong gag reflex, those with special needs, or those requiring extensive dental work in a single session.


The level of sedation can vary, ranging from minimal sedation (where the patient remains awake but relaxed) to moderate sedation (often referred to as “conscious sedation,” where the patient may slur words and have little memory of the procedure). The type of sedation used depends on the patient’s individual needs, the nature of the procedure, and the recommendations of the dental or medical professional.


Before administering sedation, the dental or medical team will assess the patient’s medical history, current health status, and any potential risks to determine the most appropriate approach. The sedation process is closely monitored by trained professionals to ensure the patient’s safety and comfort throughout the procedure.


At Akar Dental, we understand the importance of patient comfort, and we offer sedation options for individuals who may benefit from them. Our experienced team will explain the sedation process, address any concerns you may have, and ensure that your dental procedure is as comfortable as possible. Your well-being and positive experience are our top priorities.