Antalya, Turkey

General Anesthesia Services

General anesthesia is a crucial component of modern medical and dental procedures, ensuring patient comfort, safety, and effective treatment. It involves a controlled state of unconsciousness, where the patient is completely asleep and unaware of the procedure being performed. This form of anesthesia is commonly used for complex surgeries, invasive dental procedures, and cases where local anesthesia or other sedation methods might not suffice.


Before undergoing a procedure under general anesthesia, a thorough evaluation of the patient’s medical history, current health status, and any potential risks is conducted. This comprehensive assessment helps determine the suitability of general anesthesia for the individual. The anesthesia team, comprised of skilled anesthesiologists, closely monitors the patient throughout the procedure to maintain the proper level of anesthesia and ensure vital signs remain stable.


One of the primary advantages of general anesthesia is that it allows the medical or dental team to work efficiently, without causing discomfort or distress to the patient. This is particularly beneficial for patients with severe dental anxiety, those undergoing complex dental surgeries, or those who require multiple procedures to be performed simultaneously.


It’s essential to follow the pre-operative guidelines provided by the medical or dental professionals, such as fasting before the procedure, to minimize potential risks associated with general anesthesia. After the procedure, the patient is carefully monitored as they wake up from anesthesia to ensure a smooth recovery.


At Akar Dental, we prioritize patient safety and comfort. Our experienced team is well-equipped to administer general anesthesia when necessary, ensuring the most effective and comfortable experience for our patients. If you require a procedure under general anesthesia, our professionals will guide you through the process, addressing any concerns or questions you may have, and providing the highest level of care.