Antalya, Turkey

Gummy Smile Correction

A beautiful smile is not just about the appearance of your teeth; it also involves the harmony of your gum line. Some individuals may have a “gummy smile,” where a significant portion of their gums is visible when they smile. This condition can affect self-confidence and the overall aesthetics of the smile.


Gummy smile correction, also known as gingival contouring or gum recontouring, is a cosmetic dental procedure designed to improve the gum-to-tooth ratio, creating a more balanced and appealing smile. This procedure involves reshaping the gum tissue to expose more of the natural tooth structure and create a more proportional and aesthetically pleasing smile.


The gummy smile correction process begins with a thorough evaluation by a dental professional. They will assess the extent of the excessive gum tissue and discuss your preferences for the final appearance of your smile. Local anesthesia is usually administered to ensure your comfort during the procedure. The excess gum tissue is carefully removed or reshaped to achieve the desired gum line, revealing more of your beautiful teeth.


The results of gummy smile correction can be remarkable, providing a more youthful and symmetrical smile. The procedure not only enhances the aesthetics but also can make the teeth appear longer, resulting in a more balanced overall look.


At Akar Dental, we understand the importance of a confident smile. Our experienced team is skilled in gummy smile correction procedures and is dedicated to helping you achieve the smile you desire. We’ll discuss your goals, address any concerns you may have, and tailor the treatment to create a natural and stunning result. Our goal is to give you a smile that radiates confidence and beauty.