Antalya, Turkey

Inlay and Onlay Restorations

Inlay and onlay restorations are valuable dental treatments designed to restore damaged or decayed teeth while preserving as much of the natural tooth structure as possible. These restorations provide both functional and aesthetic benefits, ensuring the longevity and strength of the treated tooth.


An inlay is a custom-made restoration that fits within the grooves of the tooth, typically used to repair the chewing surfaces of molars and premolars. On the other hand, an onlay is a more extensive restoration that covers one or more cusps of the tooth, providing additional strength and support. Both inlays and onlays are crafted from high-quality materials, such as porcelain or composite resin, to closely match the color and texture of the natural tooth.


The process of getting an inlay or onlay involves several steps. First, any decayed or damaged tooth structure is removed, and an impression of the tooth is taken. This impression serves as the basis for creating a custom restoration in a dental laboratory. A temporary restoration may be placed to protect the tooth while the permanent inlay or onlay is being fabricated. Once the restoration is ready, it’s carefully fitted and bonded to the tooth, providing a secure and natural-looking result. Inlays and onlays offer several advantages. They provide a precise fit, restore proper bite alignment, and strengthen the tooth, reducing the risk of further damage.

At Akar Dental, we utilize inlay and onlay restorations as part of our commitment to providing the highest quality dental care. Our skilled team will assess your specific needs, discuss treatment options, and create custom restorations to enhance both the function and appearance of your teeth. We aim to restore your smile while preserving the natural beauty and strength of your teeth.